1- Nahwa Siyāghah Hadīthah li Muqarrarāt al-Dirāsah al-Shar‘iyyah. (International Seminar). Islamic Academe for Islamic Studies, UM. Kuala Lumpur. 7-8/2/2004. (Participant)
2- International Seminar on Hadith Heritage.
(Seminar Antarabangsa Warisan Al-Hadith), U.S.M. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, 8-9/7/2004.
Paper presented: “Mushkil al-Hadith wa Ahammiyyatuhu fi Asr al-‘Awlamah”. “The Importance of knowing Problematical Hadiths in Globalization Era”.
3- Multaqā Naqd al-Matn al-Hadīthī, A Seminar on Criticizing the Texts of Hadith. International Institute of Islamic thought, Jordan office, Amman, Jordan, 2-3/10/2004.
Paper presented: “Ma‘ālim Naqd al-Riwāyāt fī al-Qur’an al-Karīm”.
“Features of Criticizing Transmissions in the Holy Qur’an”
4- International seminar on the efforts for preserving Hadith in the fourteenth century, College of Sharī‘ah and Islamic Studies,University of Sharjah,United Arab Emirates, 4-5/5/2005.
Paper presented: “Murtakazāt al-Mustashriqīn fī Dirāsat ‘Ilm al-Hadīth”.
“The Bases of Oriental Studies on Hadith”.
5- International Conference on the Qur’an and Sunnah: Methodologies of Interpretation, Department of Quran and Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences. IIUM. K.L. Malaysia, 21-22 Jumada al-’Ākhir 1427H, 17-18 July 2006.
Paper presented: “Ahammiyyat al-Shurūh al-Hadithiyyah wa Qawā‘iduhā”. “Hadith Interpretation: Significance and Standards”
6- International Conference on Islamic Jurisprudence and the Challenges of the 21st Century, Department of Fiqh & Usūl al-Fiqh in collaboration with International Institute of Muslim Unity, International Islamic University Malaysia, K.L. Malaysia. 8-10 August 2006, 14-16 Rajab 1427. (Participant)
7- al-Nadwah al-‘Ālamiyyah li al-Dirāsāt al-‘Ulyā: Su‘ūbāt al-Bahth al-‘Ilmī wa Tahaddiyyātuh. International Seminar on Postgraduate Studies: Scientific Research: Difficulties & Challenges. Postgraduate Office, Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya,Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia, 25-26/7/2007 – 10-11/7/1428. (Participant).
8- Postgraduate Academic Review Workshop, Department of Quran and Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysi, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29-30/10/2007.
9- The Fourth International Symposium of Hadith on “The Prophetic Traditions Between the Right Understanding and Renovation Requirements”, The College of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 25-27/4/1430, 20-22/4/2009.
Paper presented: “Fahm al-Hadīth fī Daw’ al-Qawā‘id al-Shar‘iyyah: Dirāsah Istiqrā’iyyah fī Ashhar Kutub al-Shurūh al-Hadīthiyyah”
“Comprehension of Hadith in the light of Sharī’ah Maxims: An Inductive Study on the Most Famous Books of Hadith Commentary”.
10- Sunnah International Conference on “Contemporary issues in the Sunnah”, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11-12/8/1432, 12-13/7/2011.
Paper presented: “al-Muntalqāt al-Fikriyyah li Dirāsāt al-Mustashriqīn fī ‘Ilm al-Hadīth”
“Fundamental Views of Oriental Studies on Hadith”.
11- The First Major Workshop on “Silah” project, discussing the draft charter of “Orientalism as a Cultural Bridge”, Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs, Kuwait, 20-21/11/1432, 18-19/10/2011.
12- The International Conference on “The Companions and the Sunnah of the Prophet”, The World Islamic Sciences & Education University, Amman, Jordan, 9-10/1/1435, 13-14/11/2013.
Paper presented: “Usūl al-Riwāyah fī ‘Ahd al-Sahābah”, “Principles of Transmitting Hadith in the Era of the Prophet’s Companions”.
13- International Seminar on “Moderation in Isalm: Concept and Implementation”, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Jakarta State University, Indonesia, 23-24/8/1436, 10-11/6/2015.
Paper presented:”Tatbīqāt al-Wasatiyyah fī al-Sunnah al-Nabwiyyah: al-Ahādīth al-Nabawiyyah al-Muta‘alliqah bi al-Salāh Unmudhajan”.
“Applications of moderation in the Sunnah: Prophetic Hadiths related to the prayer as an example”
14- The First Sahri‘ah Forum on “Persons with Disabilities”, Department of Islamic Studies, College of Education, King Saud University, and Prince Muhammed Ibn Salman Ibn Muhammed Al Saud Charitable Foundation, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 15-16/1/1437, 28-29/10/2015.
15- International Conference on “Mercy in Islam”, Department of Islamic Studies, College of Education, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 28-29/4/1437, 7-8/2/2016.
16- International Conference on “Hadith Studies and its Contributions to Indonesia and the Islamic World”, Association of Hadith science, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 24-26/1/1438, 25-27/10/2016.
Paper presented: Tawthīq al-Sunnah bayn al-Kitābah wa al-Tadwīn wa al-Tasnīf.
“Documentation of the Sunnah: writing, recording and classification”.
17- International symposium on “Muhammed Mustafa el-Azamī: His life, Ideas and Contribution”, School of Islamic Studies, Ibn Haldun University, Istanbul, Turkey, 12-13/4/1440, 19-20/12/2018.
Paper submitted: Manhaj Naqd Ārā’ al-Mustashriqīn fī al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah: Dirāsah Istiqrā’iyyah fī Kitābāt al-Duktūr Muhammad Mostafā al-A‘zamī.
“Method of Criticizing Orientalists’ views on the Prophetic Sunnah: An Inductive Study in the writings of Dr. Muhammad Mustafā al-A‘zamī”.
18- Seminar on “Sahih al-Bukhari and Contemporary Approaches”, Department of Islamic Studies, College of Education, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 16-17/2/1441, 15-16/10/2019.
19– The Inaugural Jamalullail Chair for Prophetic Sunnah International Conference on Engagement with Obscure Qur’anic Verses and Hadith Texts in Classical and Modern Literature.
“المؤتمر العالمي الأول لكرسي جمل الليل للسنة النبوية: مشكل القرآن والحديث في التراث والدراسات المعاصرة”
Department of Quran and Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences. IIUM. K.L. Malaysia, 2-3/4/1442, 18-19/11/2020.Paper presented: “Istishkal al-Ahadith al-Nabawiyyah bi al-Nadhar al-‘Aqli: Mashru’iyyatuh wa Dwabituh”. “Questioning Prophetic
Hadiths by mental Consideration: Its Legitimacy and regulations”.
20- The Inaugural Jamalullail Chair for Prophetic Sunnah International Conference on Engagement with Obscure Qur’anic Verses and Hadith Texts in Classical and Modern Literature.
“المؤتمر العالمي الأول لكرسي جمل الليل للسنة النبوية: مشكل القرآن والحديث في التراث والدراسات المعاصرة”
Department of Quran and Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences. IIUM. K.L. Malaysia, 2-3/4/1442, 18-19/11/2020.
Paper presented: “Mushkil al-Hadith fi Daw’ al-Qawa’id al-Shar’iyyah”. “Problematic Hadith in the Light of Sahri’ah Rules”. Co-author: Dr. Haifa Abdulaziz Al-Ashrafi.