Work Experience

2020 – Now            Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University              Brunei Darussalam.
Professor Doctor.
Faculty of Usuluddin.
– Teaching courses related to Hadith. (‘Ulūm al-Hadith, ‘Ilm al-Jarḥ wa al-Ta‘dīl, Dirāsat fī Kutub al-Sunnah, ‘Ulūm Dirāyat al-Matn and others)
– Member of the University Senate (2020/2021).
– Chairman of Research and Staff Development Committee (2020/2021).
– Member of Postgraduate Committee (2020/2021).
– Coordinator of Updating the Content of Hadith Courses Committee (2020/2021).
– Supervisor and examiner of Master and Ph. D. thesis.
– Referee for some Arabic and English refereed journals.

2017 – 2020                  King Saud University                  Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Professor Doctor.
Department of Islamic Studies, College of Education.
– Teaching courses related to Hadith (Sciences of Hadith, Takhrīj al-Hadīth, Dirāsat al-Sunan, Methodology of Hadith scholars and others).
– Member of Curriculum Development Committee.
– Member of Quality and Academic Accreditation Committee.
– Supervisor and examiner of Master and Ph. D. thesis.
– Referee for some Arabic and English refereed journals.

2014 –  2017                   King Saud University                  Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Associate Professor.
Department of Islamic Studies, College of Education.
– Teaching courses related to Hadith offered by Islamic Studies Department, College of Education. (Sciences of Hadith, Takhrīj al-Hadīth, Dirāsat al-Sunan and others).
– Member of Curriculum Development. Committee.
– Supervisor and examiner of Master and Ph. D. thesis.
– Referee for some Arabic and English refereed journals.

2009 –  2014                  King Saud University                  Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Associate Professor.
Prince Sultan Ibn Abdul’Aziz Chair, Department of Islamic Studies, College of Education.
– Teaching courses offered by Islamic Studies Department, College of Education.
– Member of “Academic Committee” in Prince Sultan Ibn Abdul’Aziz Chair for Contemporary Islamic Studies.
– Conducting and reviewing articles related to contemporary Islamic issues.
– Referee for some Arabic and English refereed journals.
– Member of the main committee of “Sila” Project for oriental work, Ministry of Awqāf and Islamic Affairs, Kuwait, 2011-2012. 

2008 – 2009                International Islamic University                     K. L. Malaysia.
Associate Professor (DS 54)
Department of Quran and Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences.
– Teaching courses related to Hadith. (Sciences of Hadith, Recording of Sunnah, Criteria for Hadith Criticism, Principles of Dealing with Sunnah, Sciences of Textual analysis of Hadith).
– Chairman of “Postgraduate committee”.
– Member of “Academic and Curriculum Development Committee”.
– Member of Board Studies: Bachelor of Islamic Revealed Knowledge in Qur’an and Sunnah Studies Programme, 2007-2009.
– Member of “Postgraduate Committee”, KPGC, Kulliyyah Level, 2007-2009.
– Coordinator of “Theses’ Supervision and Assessment” Workshop, Postgraduate Committee, Department of Quran and Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, 17.4.2008.
– Examiner and supervisor of Master and Ph.D. theses.
– Referee for some Arabic and English, refereed journals.

2005-2008                   International Islamic University                   K. L. Malaysia.
Assistant Professor (DS 52)
Department of Quran and Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences.
– Teaching courses related to Hadith. (Sciences of Hadith, Recording of Sunnah, Criteria for Hadith Criticism, Principles of Dealing with Sunnah, Sciences of Textual analysis of Hadith).
– Chairman of “Postgraduate committee”, 2006-2008.
– Member of “Postgraduate committee”, 2005-2006.
– Member of “Academic and Curriculum development committee”, 2006-2008.
– Member of “Curriculum development committee”, 2007-2008.
– Member of working committee for scrutinizing course outline, IRK Division, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, 2007-2008.
– Examiner and supervisor of Master and Ph.D. theses.
– Referee for some Arabic and English, refereed journals.

2002-2005                      International Islamic University                 K. L. Malaysia.
Assistant Professor (DS 45)
Department of Quran and Sunnah Studies, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences.
– Teaching courses related to Hadith. (Criteria for Hadith Criticism, Recording Sunnah, Sciences of Hadith).
– Deputy chairman of “Research Committee”, 2002-2003.
– Member of “Academic committee”, 2003-2004.
– Member of the “Quality Research Award” committee, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge, 2002-2004.
– Member of “Postgraduate committee”, 2003-2005.
– Member of “Curriculum Review Committee”, 2004-2005.
– Examiner and supervisor of Master and Ph.D. theses.
– Referee for some Arabic and English, refereed journals.

2001- 2002                        Taiba Company                          Jeddah,Saudi Arabia.
Sharī‘ah Adviser.
– Supervising the activities of the company, and ensuring their compliance with Islamic Shari‘ah.
– Considering transactions performed by the company from the Islamic point of view.
– Issuing decisions regarding the company’s transactions.

1995 – 2001                       Ministry of Islamic Affairs                              Doha,Qatar.
Sharī‘ah Researcher.
– Evaluating studies and theses submitted to the “Research and StudyCenter”, and nominating them for publishing under the name of the Center, in al-Ummah Book Series.
– Revising and editing accepted studies in order to be published in al-Ummah Book Series.
–  Preparing special studies for the Center.
–  Supervising the Archives Section.
–  Translating documents from English into Arabic and vise versa.
–  Internet Committee Member (1995-2000).
The committee was appointed by the Minister of Islamic Affairs, in order to supervise the activity of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs in the world wide web and to establish a web site under the name of the Ministry ( and (